Having static and dymanic content in textarea "value"

Hi Guys,

I’ve got a textarea and I’m wanting it to display a preview of an email


Hi {{customersnamefromdb}},

here’s some email content

Thank you

I’ve got it all stuck in the “value” and it’s displaying correctly except it’s not grabbing the dynamic data - is there a way I can make it actually run the dynamic data rather than just thinking it’s just plain text?

Hope that makes sense - feel like it doesn’t so if it needs clarifying please let me know,

Any suggestions/guidance would be very much appreciated.


Is there a reason why are you displaying this in a textarea, and not just as a regular text in a container on your page?

Hi Teodor,
Because I want it to be editable.


You can try using dynamic attributes>input>value and then enter the text like:

'Hi' + customersnamefromdb + 'the rest of the static text wrapped in single quotes goes here'

Thanks Teodor, will give it a go!