Grid settings

I have my design layouts set in XD using 5 viewport sizes, 375px, 768px, 1024px, 1366px, 1920px.
375 uses a 4 column grid, 768 and 1024 uses an 8 column… and 1366 and 1920 uses a 12 column.
My question is can I replicate this using Advanced theme manager. Subsequently I see I am able to adjust breakpoints, Can I also set different gutter widths for different breakpoints? Or do I need to revert to direct bootstarp adjustment with mixins and Sass

Thanks in advance

Hi Steven, You can change the default breakpoint settings by going to options (the gear icon, bottom left) then selecting Design View.

I’m not sure about the rest of your question. I haven’t needed to try that out.

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Thanks for your reply @cy2… This helps!!