Gradient background Color settings

In what properties element do I find the Gradient settings under ?
…is the doc online yet…?
Tks :slight_smile:

you can check:

and the docs about the Design Panel:

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I was looking for the Background in the Design panel. Can’t seem to find it. However, I can see the Back Color, yet could not find a way to have it gradient without using CSS (only visual). Thanks.

It’s right here:

Just select one of the two gradient options :slight_smile:


Thank you Teodor. Forgive me for asking. I never tried that Design panel yet.
Wow, this is an excellent visual feature.


I thought you were referring to the design panel :slight_smile:
Please check the docs about using it:

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That Design Panel will become your best friend in no time!


Forgive me for using the wrong terms. I was looking at the wrong panels: the App Structure and Styles. Indeed, the design panel can be my best friend as @brad pointed out.

Thank you for all the help guys.

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