Google maps marker to form field

How can I pass the a google maps dragabble marker information to a form field. I dont find any dynamic event for google maps marker. I find over the map itself but I cant get display any dragable marker on it.

 <div class="container pt-5">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-8">
                <dmx-google-maps id="maps1" latitude="15.762521826200048" longitude=" -96.10052831039862" zoom-control="true" fullscreen-control="true" zoom="15" dmx-bind:markers="" marker-latitude="'15.762521826200048'" marker-longitude="' -96.10052831039862'" marker-draggable="true">
                    <dmx-google-maps-marker id="marker1" latitude="15.762521826200048" longitude=" -96.10052831039862" draggable="true"></dmx-google-maps-marker>


            <form action="">
                <input type="text" dmx-bind:value="maps1.latitude">
            <div class="col-4">
                <div class="pb-3">
                    <h2 class="tittle-sm txt-gold">Location</h2>
                    <div class="txt-general txt-gray">Discover the finest rentals in town! Our expert team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect place to call home. Don't miss out on the town's best – let us help you secure your ideal rental today!</div>


I know it can be done. I’ve done it myself. Unfortunately I’m on another job site today. If no one has helped by tomorrow I can look up the code on how I did this. I think it has something to do with dynamic attributes? or dynamic events there should be choices there for that. If not it could be missed in the new AC/2 if you are running beta. But if not they should be there. Hit me up in the morning if you haven’t sorted this.

Click on the Google Maps component and go into Dynamic Events. Add one for Marker Position Changed. Then add actions in there to set the value of two hidden fields - longitude and latitude.

But the marker is not displayed on map. the map appear and move but no marker is displayed. I add inside a marker component but seems to not work

You need to add the marker and set it to ‘draggable’ and give it initial values for the Dynamic Attributes for longitude and latitude.

I have it working fine on a site but it’s not using AC v2 so I’m not ruling out an issue you might have found in the new beta version.

Thanks for the help I have like this.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-03-12 a la(s) 9.14.42

Is this correct?

Yes. But when you click on your marker, have you set the longitude and latitude dynamic values and also ticked the box to make it draggable?

Yes I have like that.

Are you on the v2 beta of App Connect?

Beta 2

It happen funny. If I add a Marker component displays but wen you drag and drop marker no event is executed. But if you move the map it execute.

Grabación de pantalla 2024-03-12 a la(s) 9.40.32

Did you add the Marker Position Changed dynamic event?