Google maps doesn’t show on iphone

Hi @Teodor
I have a small issue with the pin on google map:


When we use Label the text stays in front of the pin. We should have an option to choose if would stay on top or on the side.

And the maps still dont work on small screens (iphone for example) and its the preloader.
I made a test on a new file and it worked before i added a preloader.

Anyone have a fix for this?

Yes, @patrick will check why is the preloader doing this.

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@patrick is really checking this time?
Because I opened this topic one month ago with the same problem.

This is the test page:

Andre, please have a little patience. We are currently checking the issue and you will be notified when we have news.

Ok, perfect.

Try adding dmx-on:ready="this.refresh()" to the dmx-google-maps tag. Or trigger the refresh of google maps on page load.

is not working for me.
I tried to refresh google maps on page load - didn’t work.

And now the dmx:

Still don’t work

I noticed an error in the console, try changing this.refresh() to maps.refresh().

It didn’t fix
And I see this error:

The 404 is not really an error, it is missing the source maps on the server.

I don’t have an iPhone myself, so it is a bit difficult to test, but I have seen the problem.

Let’s add an button on the page that calls the refresh, then we will know if the refresh of the map actually helps.

<button dmx-on:click="maps.refresh()">refresh</button>

If the refresh works we need to figure out when to trigger that, if not then I have to search further.

Still not working.

So clicking the refresh button on the iPhone doesn’t show the map? Then I have to investigate further, at this moment I have no idea what is causing the problem.

Yes, nothing happens when we click the button.

Does the map show correctly when you remove the preloader from the page?

But I have to delete these two lines too:

If I just delete the preloader on the app structure still doesn’t work.

So it worked after you removed the dmxPreloader.js include?

Yes. After I delete these two lines:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dmxAppConnect/dmxPreloader/dmxPreloader.css">
  <script src="dmxAppConnect/dmxPreloader/dmxPreloader.js" defer=""></script>

Seems Google Maps and safari on iOS can’t handle being hidden by the preloader.
So Just don’t use the preloader on Google Maps pages.