Building a mobile app and just want to know if one can use the geolocate function when packaging app for ios and android? I get it working for browser on firefox and google but not safari. Pointers welcome.
Should work fine on mobile. Even more accurate as it is connected to the mobile gps.
Usage is the same as in the browser.
dont we need a plugin to work on mobile?
I get this message in ios emulator and I was not asked to allow location or not.
allow navigation not set
any ideas?
You need geolocation plugin.
Wappler doesn’t have any yet. But the team will add the most wanted ones
Thanks, is it something I can add myself? I have no problem handcoding in whats needed, just need to be pointed in right direction and have documentationk
The error you see is about the location of the document i use this in the config.xml (from my other phonegap build app)
<allow-navigation href="*"/>
but have no idea how to set this in wappler
Maybe just a tag to include for cordova to recognise like app connect works… will play around and see if I can get it working.