Google Auth Capacitor Mobile Issue

Hello, Im new in wappler and I dont find the correct way to data bind the response of the google Auth Capacitor plugin in mobile.

This is how Im setting the flow

This is how I call the flow.

And the plugIn Im using is

Im able to open the Google Auth modal and log in but im not able to handle the response in wappler.

Please guide me in the best way to get/store the response back in wappler mobile.

Hi @Paolo7, I’ll try to respond with more details tomorrow, but you should use the Oauth functionality built into Wappler instead of a plugin from GitHub.

Depending on what you’re trying to accomplish you may need to also setup an API Server project, in addition to your mobile capacitor project, to handle the Oauth redirect process.

If you could provide more details on the app you’re trying to build and how you plan to use Google data that will help with providing you better instructions.

@kfawcett Thanks for the response. Im trying to accomplish the “log in with google” functionality. So when the user touch the image it will open the google modal and sign in. Then redirect the login data (auth token, email) into my wappler api Server project.

You can check:

Thanks @Teodor for the resource, it was super helpful.
Now using the mobile app im able to open the browser and get the log in data. But im not sure if there is a way to redirect once again from the browser to the app.

Current State:
I follow the resource instructions until the redirect action. As the mobile project and the api project are separated I have no way to redirect into the app. Note: Im using the AC Browser component with goTo action. To call the API that redirects to Google Auth

My mobile app doesn’t have visibility of when the google auth ended.
Cannot redirect from API to the APP

If you have any other solution please let me know, im open to any suggestion

I haven’t started on Android or iOS yet. I have setup a similar process for Electron. What you’re looking for is Deep Linking. This is a way for your app and the OS to open the app based on the URL.

@Teodor do you know if deeplinking is currently supported in wappler for Android or iOS?

Wappler will not help with deep linking. You will need to google how to set it up and potentially follow the steps listed in the link I provided above.

If you’ve built the android/iOS app once in Wappler, then you should have a directory where all of the relevant files are located.

The deep link works and is pretty easy to set up in Xcode. However the problem I am having is that when it reopens the app, it will not be logged in on the app, only the browser.