Go Lang for v5?

v3 brought NodeJS, are there any plans to add Go?


I’ve been hearing good things about it.

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I use Go professionally, it’s great! :slight_smile:

Although, within the Wappler context, where the inner details are not exposed to the end user, I think it wouldn’t bring much advantage when compared to NodeJS. When you think about it, the Wappler team wants to make server features more or less the same across all server targets.

I’d rather want them to focus on fixing existing bugs and feature requests, which I’m still waiting for their resolution. That being said, I’m sure it would be an easy transition from NodeJS to Golang when the time comes, so whoever’s starting right now should outright use NodeJS!


Could you please explain this statement?

Well we definitely want to support Go, but it won’t be for v5 :slight_smile:

Go is the ultimate performer when it comes to more cpu intensive tasks, specially on multi-core systems.

For Server Connect where the processing is mostly database connectivity, it won’t really matter much.
However if you do a lot of data filtering and manipulation, then you will see huge difference.

Rust is also gaining more and more common usage as well.


The introduction of NodeJS on Wappler brought many features, such as websockets and a templating system.

Golang wouldn’t introduce anything above NodeJS functionality (except for maybe very specific stuff to data processing). It does shine when it comes to concurrency and parallelism, but those exciting details are unlikely to be seen by average Wapplers because they’re mostly doing web development and not data processing :slight_smile:

What I’m saying is, for me, I’d rather them focus on finishing NodeJS features first before moving to Golang - and by then, it’d be an easy migration path (unlike PHP to NodeJS)

NodeJS already uses templates - unlike the current PHP implementation of Wappler. This is why I’m saying it’d be an easier migration path from NodeJS to Golang


Yep, that was the other one I was thinking of but it seems Go is the best for server-side web apps.

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Got you.
Thank you for detailed explanation.

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I’m starting to learn Go(lang).
I started when I saw that Golang can be a complete solution for online web apps.
Not just –

those exciting details are unlikely to be seen by average Wapplers because they’re mostly doing web development and not data processing

Especially when seeing running comparisons of a Golang server backend. Passing texts to and fro in a chat application.

Here’s Typescript on node.js vs Go.
cutting to the chase –

now graphs

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Do we have a forecast for the inclusion of Go lang?

Hi there, Go is not in our plans for the near future.