Git Manager UI (Still) Needs Improvement

Continuing from the previous post which is now locked: Git Manager UI Needs Improvement

In version 4.0.2, the part where top controls disappear is now fixed. But the other issue about branch detail remains.
There is now an option to increase the width of the left panel a bit more, but that is not a solution.


I still can’t see all the information if I have 3 or more branch badges - which is not uncommon - dev, dev-remote, staging, staging-remote etc. And if the namese are big, then even 2 are enough to hide things.


A better option would be to just add a horizontal scroller in my opinion. Not sure if there are any limitations around that with Electron.

I will investigate what would be a good solution. Could be that we add a horizontal scrollbar or we limit the number of characters in the labels, we can still show the full label or commit text on hover in a popup.

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Can git have its own tab? Or allow to widen the current one to at least half the width of the screen.

Horz scroll will be irritating I feel.

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Git in it’s own tab makes sense to me, it follows the same logic as tabs for other functions

@patrick Any progress on this? Its becoming unusable.


New tab
New tab
New tab

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.2

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