From Node/Docker back to Apache/PHP

Sorry Dave. Not at my computer for a few weeks. I’m enjoying some glamping with the family.

The problem with docker machines is that it is kind of outdated so that is why the team is looking at alternatives(i.e Hashicorp’s Terraform).

It was one of the reasons I didn’t use Wappler’s docker deployment process.

I use Wappler exclusively to develop but for deployment I want more flexibility and further control.

Hopefully during this year they are able to nail the deployment functionality.

They opened an RFC topic for this.

This doesn’t mean I don’t endorse docker or any other container tech. It means that Wappler still needs to iterate over their solution.

I use docker extensively. Even for some self-hosted third-party php projects. The reason why I pulled your leg with the gibberish stuff is that you mentioned in the title Node/Docker vs Apache/PHP which makes no sense if you are comparing them.

runtime/tool vs server/language

I do get what you mean. New wappler vs old wappler. New gods vs old gods. You should check American Gods(book and tv show).

All in all. You are a pussy :joy:

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