From Node/Docker back to Apache/PHP

Ahhhhhh the ease and simplicity of bog-standard hosting! Like the back of my hand. After routing, templating, containers, images, caching, deployments… Its like being a kid again! Everything works as it should! Not saying everything doesn’t work in Docker/Node, but you understand, if you understand, hahahaha…

Sorry @JonL



Welcome back @Dave! :beers: :slight_smile:

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@brad it’s like a soft mattress after sleeping on a bed of nails!



Dave, are you ok? You must have hit your head with something. You are talking some sort of gibberish. Need an exorcism? :joy:


Actually Jon Node is not the issue. AWS is throwing errors in Wappler trying to deploy a new VPC, which all worked fine. Waiting for feedback on the problem. Maybe you can help:

Error setting machine configuration from flags provided: amazonec2 driver requires either the --amazonec2-subnet-id or --amazonec2-vpc-id option or an AWS Account with a default vpc-id Fetching Docker Machines … Error Creating Docker Machine! Done!

We have a default VPC in place all working, no faults at all, and shouldn’t make a difference as we wish to create another VPC. Simply can not create a new VPC (yet on AWS itself we can create without issue). Am waiting feedback on the issue from George and Teodor. May restore my faith… It’s just when things do go wrong its a mess. Very hard to figure out. A real downer as everything worked and then the above error out of the blue?

AWS report no problem with my VPC. Wappler should simply create another but does not… That is where I am right now. I moved on to another Project and fault finding is a breeze on an old stack.

Sorry Dave. Not at my computer for a few weeks. I’m enjoying some glamping with the family.

The problem with docker machines is that it is kind of outdated so that is why the team is looking at alternatives(i.e Hashicorp’s Terraform).

It was one of the reasons I didn’t use Wappler’s docker deployment process.

I use Wappler exclusively to develop but for deployment I want more flexibility and further control.

Hopefully during this year they are able to nail the deployment functionality.

They opened an RFC topic for this.

This doesn’t mean I don’t endorse docker or any other container tech. It means that Wappler still needs to iterate over their solution.

I use docker extensively. Even for some self-hosted third-party php projects. The reason why I pulled your leg with the gibberish stuff is that you mentioned in the title Node/Docker vs Apache/PHP which makes no sense if you are comparing them.

runtime/tool vs server/language

I do get what you mean. New wappler vs old wappler. New gods vs old gods. You should check American Gods(book and tv show).

All in all. You are a pussy :joy:

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Hi Dave,

Couldn’t really find any topic with your issue - try posting a new one, it seems to me indeed a specific AWS VPC misconfiguration issue.

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Hahaha not vs, back to. There is no comparison. Node wins hands down. But for the Client its a PHP orientated stack that in this circumstance I can not alter.

Hahaha… I used to be a very naughty horrible bastard and in the past would have taken it personally (and be willing to spend several months at Her Majesties facilities for the same remark), these days I can take it on the chin. If you were assuming am running from Node, I’m not, if your assumption was correct, I concur with the comment at hand! :slight_smile:

Will check this out, cheers @JonL

I’m not ducking out of Node (quite the opposite, we are embracing it) though you’ll be pleased to hear but there is an issue with provisioning a new VPC in Wappler that I can not figure out. It should not matter if there is or is not a current VPC as requesting a new VPC should be straight forward and always was prior to migrating from 3.97. We have multiple running under some organisations on AWS. Now we can not repeat the same simple process as we are getting the error outlined above. We have spoken at length with Amazon about this and everything in our account is fine and as it should be, no changes or alterations that side at all. I’ll write it up as a bug report @George (in response to your above reply). The AWS VPC’s (count aside) current, or new, should not stop further VPC’s be requisitioned from within Wappler, correct?

In the past I also spent more time than needed in the WC for reasons that escape my parents’ comprehension. For me it was a matter of mental space. For them…I can imagine what they were thinking.

I could not afford to spend time at the facilities you refer to. I was on the opposite side of the equation and that would have tampered with my future plans.

In the past we would have been archenemies! Today we should have some beers! :joy: Nothing better than age to tame characters!


Mate up until about twenty five I was a total dickhead. Great parents and family but product of the estate I grew up on, peer group, school… Figured that out in the end with the help of some good people. Now am more likely to laugh than retaliate.

Hahaha only if you were in uniform!
