Free database templates for your projects 💡

Hey guys, now that the Wappler team is putting a lot of effort into adding new features and capabilities to database management within the app, I think it’s good to share this site that I found not long ago and it’s called

At first glance it is just another program to design our relational databases, but the truth is that although it is a very good one for this, the most interesting are the templates that allow us to see how many applications are designed and we can even download the schema for use it in our projects completely free of charge.

You can find database templates to develop social networks, music players similar to Spotify, news sites and even applications like Chatwoot

I think it can be very useful for those who are just beginning to learn about database management, efficient use of tables, relationships, use of foreign keys, etc. It can also be used to understand and learn how others design their databases and even speed up the creation of a new project.

In this video I show you how to export the models to sql, json, etc.

Grabación de pantalla 2022-04-03 a la(s) 20.08.51

I hope it is useful to you.
