Framework 7: Routing anomaly, linking and session management

I have an app I am working with on Framework7.

My site structure is as follows:


My routing structure is as follows:

Problem 1:
Using the routing option, I created routes following the visual tree as follows.
< a href = " /info1/ " > Info 1 < / a >
Nothing works and triggers a javascript error “can’t use ‘in’ in routes search”
So, my conclusion, this doesn’t work. Set aside.

Problem 2:
Using all the recommended method of interlinking pages on F7, I was still unable to link within content on a single index.html page in this structure:

View >
Page - index
Page - info1
page - info2

My conclusion, this doesn’t work. Set Aside

Main Problem, Problem 3:
I’ve manage to use the class "< a href = " page.html " class = " link external " >go there < / a > " and it actually does link to my pages in the first site structure.

Now the problem is:
When the user enters my app, they are required to sign in. This pulls their data on index.html page.

When they link to ./pages/info1.html
The app requires them to sign in again more like the previous session does not exist. Now what happens is that when you click back to index.html again it still requires you to sign in. All the pages require you to sign in. I’ve tried to use session management in state management. Nothing has worked so far.

Anyone with any idea on how I can retain session data from the previous login and use it across all pages just as it works on a normal browser?


Hi were you able to solve this?

Please do not awake such old topics. A lot of changes in Framework7 has been done after that, so if you have problems just post a new topic.