Framework 7 dialog error and not closing

I have created a flow which calls the F7 confirm dialog.

<a href="#" class="button button-fill button-large" id="open-with-button" dmx-on:click="run({'f7.dialog.confirm':{text:'Text',title:'Title',then:{steps:{runJS:{function:'eventcancel',name:'rvc'}}},name:'evc'}})">Cancel Session</a>

The dialog opens fine. When clicking the OK button it throughs a JS error:

f7dialog.js:19 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
    at Object.onClick (f7dialog.js:19)
    at HTMLSpanElement.b (0:13738)
    at HTMLSpanElement.l (0:1144)
(anonymous) @ f7dialog.js:19
b @ 0:13738
l @ 0:1144

It still calls the function I specified.

I need help with:
How do I get rid of the error?
How do I close the dialog?
