Format bug when saving a run javascript action

Wappler Version : 7.0.0 beta 17
Operating System : Mac OS 14.7.4
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Add a run javascript action with some arguments, click save and it formats the json correctly.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

An extra apostrophe is getting added. Sometimes it was to the end and sometimes to the beginning. In this example, it's added to the beginning.

How to reproduce

For this a example, I am adding an on submit event to a form but it happens when adding any event.

Add a Run Javascript step with arguments and click "Save"

You can see the added apostrophe that shouldn't be there.

Causing the properties window to show the step incorrectly.

Remove the added apostrophe

Action step shown properly and no issues when loading the page.


Is this an inline flow and not page flow?
Also please paste the code instead of screenshots of code, it's a lot easier to debug.

Sorry, it's inline on the form tag:

<form id="CrudForm" dmx-bind:class="'CrudForm'" is="dmx-serverconnect-form" method="post" dmx-bind:action="'/api'+crud_action_path:varCrudCustomPath.value" dmx-on:submit="run({runJS:{outputType:'text',function:'ezphpzShowHideScrudAlert',args:[``,'danger','Please fix errors below.','hide']}})" dmx-on:unauthorized="run([{runJS:{outputType:'text',function:'ezphpzShowHideScrudAlert',args:[``,'danger','That action is not authorized.','show']}},{run:{outputType:'text',action:`modalGlobalLoading.hide()`}}])">

This bug has been around since flows were launched. It was addressed and fixed once, from what I remember - but it came back after few updates.

We were never able to reliably reproduce the bug, so didn't report it. Are you able to reproduce it everytime with the JS step?

I currently am, yes.

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