Form data to email not working

Depending on you ftp server, the time shown on the remote is in the timezone of the server and local is your own timezone. If your server is located in an other country then there is a timezone offset, in your case 5 hours difference.

thanks but if u look at screenshot further back — the differences are in days and in some cases months - it must be something i’m doing wrong at this end. (note the about page)

I checked the screenshot, the about page on your server has a newer date, that is why the local file is not uploaded.

thats starting to make sense now- i must have worked on it in target remote.
and sinse its newer the local file will not overwrite it.
any suggestion how to sync - perhaps download newer file so both same or work in local first or remote only? its easy to forget what target you are on without checking continuously

Teodor, you were of course correct that the issue was with my server - It took at bit to sort out. My server required the SMTP to be changed in the Setup Mailer properties to use ‘localhost’ port 25 leaving server name and password blank. Furthermore my spam blocker on server was delaying emails being sent to me so we needed to create and change the email from to “webinquiry@xxxx” (and white list it) in the Send Mail properties for any of the websites I do.
Thanks to everyone who helped me with this issue.

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Hey Norm,
Great to hear all is working fine now!

Freddy my resolution is in reply to Teodor - how are you making out with your issues?

still didnt work. I‘ll try output logging. Tried Gmail, O365 smtp and my account. Will come back to you and this post!

Thanks again for your help Teodor - the silver lining is you at least get to learn a lot more about the software.