Font Awesome local ver 5.11.2

I just purchased a license for Font Awesome Pro, when I try to install a local version it wants me to upload the 5.10 Zip file. I do I get it to accept the newer version? Current version is 5.11.2


Have you tried uploading your 5.11 zip file or won’t it let you?

yes I tried. It asked for 5.10. I was experimenting with using the CDN, but my duotone icons weren’t lining up correctly. so thought I would give the local copy a spin.

And I also figured out that wappler will change the DSN back to 5.10.1 on save so even if I manually change the CDN url, it changes back on save. Guessing they will have to update this? @patrick @George

I figured out why my duo-tone icons weren’t lining up. Had a space inserted inside the i tag

<span><i class="fas fa-share-square fa-2x" dmx-bs-tooltip="'View All Details'" style="">&nbsp;</i></span>

Should have been.

<span><i class="fas fa-share-square fa-2x" dmx-bs-tooltip="'View All Details'" style=""></i>&nbsp;</span>
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Is there a solution to install / use Font Awesome 5.11 with Wappler? Really would like to use it locally.

We are going to update font awesome to the latest version in the next update.

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Hi, I just downloaded 2.4.4. Is the update in there or do I need to do something special for installation?

Unfortunately font awesome 5.11 hasn’t been added to Wappler 2.4.4 yet.

FontAwesome 5 Pro and Free have been updated to the latest version 5.12.0 in Wappler 2.4.5