Fix Git discard all changes

On the back of this thread:

Can we have git clean added to the Wappler git functionality so we can remove the new files added by Wappler which prevent pulling from the remote repo?

I'm confused, don't we have it already?
I can see that @patrick is assigned on the case of cleaning new files, so it seems a bug :thinking:

Thanks @franse. Maybe it is a bug, then. I'll let them change this from a feature request to a bug report if that turns out to be the case.

Moved to bug reports and topic title changed, the trash icon's description is "Discard all changes" which should've worked - you found a bug

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Another bump

Another thing, updated to 6.7.3 created a new project, and now modified files are also on the same behavior:

Log only throws:

[2024-07-15 19:25:36.395] START getCredentials...tries=4
[2024-07-15 19:25:36.854] Trying to get credentials for using 
[2024-07-15 19:25:36.854] tries: 4
[2024-07-15 19:25:36.854] gitProviderName=github
[2024-07-15 19:25:36.855] found access token - use it
[2024-07-15 19:25:36.855] github login...
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As a workaround, you can run git commands in the Wappler terminal.