First publish attempt — Problem — "There was an error during publish. Database is not running"

This is my first major project with Wappler. Everything appeared to be ready to publish, so that’s what I did.

When the publish function was complete, Wappler returned the following error message:

“There was an error during publish. Database is not running.”

When I started the project I made a local version of the Wappler default database to keep things simple.

I am now running Wappler version 6.3.1 with Docker Desktop v4.27.2 as the development environment and the design framework is Bootstrap 5. Server model is PHP and the handler is Apache.

I’m sure I’ve missed something somewhere along the way by thinking the process is more automagical than it actually is.

Any help will be more than most appreciated!

 Norman MacLeod

Hi Norman,

I suspect Wappler is not able to connect to your remote database. Can you double-check if the database configuration is correct?

Note there are two places where you configure the DB. Concerning the current error, you need to check the database manager configuration:

The other place you need to check, though probably not related to the current error, is here:

In both cases, make sure the Target selection is set to your remote server before checking or doing any changes:

There was a Database Manager connection error, which I fixed and now the database connection tests as correct.

I had changed the target from development to HHE FTP (the web server) so all the files had uploaded to the server.

Now that I have the database connection correct, do I click on Publish again to go through that process from the beginning?


Thank you!