Usually what I build is case managment systems for law firms and they are always on the company intranet not accessbile to the public. Finally released my first public Wappler built site. It's a custom earring designer NodeJS app for my wife's craft business and uses Stripe for the e-commerce. Here's the ad I created for Facebook. Probably would have never done this site had I not found Wappler cause Wappler and the awesome Wappler community made it so much easier to build than my old hand coding ways and I always knew that if I got stuck on something, I could turn to the community. Cheers!
Nice work.
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Thank you sir!
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That video is so fun! Did you make the music yourself?
Only a small detail, the video/screencast doesn't feel quite right in terms of resolution, the letters look a bit weird. But maybe it's only noticeable on HiDPI screens
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Thanks @apple for watching it. That was the goal, to make it fun. The resolution seems ok to me though. I am a professional musician, but this was just some stock music that Create Studio had. I was trying to get it done fast and didn't want to take time to write something.
Looks great!
It's nice when you see your creation live!
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Thank you, @famousmag