Filtering Nested server connect


I’m working through setting up multiple filters on some nested data. The data is a list of users, the nested elements are admin permissions and programme access. I can create either standard or custom queries to get the right user list but I want to run either option through the repeat to add the nested data.

This was really helpful in getting to where I am:

These are the server connect actions I have:


In this case I want for either queryStaff OR customQueryStaff to be put through the repeat depending on conditions, so the output is the same on the front end (the final set of actions will have a few more options). Is there an easy way to achieve that?

So I’ve solved this, I’d taken myself down a bit of a blind alley and underestimated how much I could get from the main query builder in server connect…

I’ve changed the main query and ditched the custom query:

this means I can now toggle the conditions all from within the query rather than trying to toggle the query based on the conditions. It works perfectly for the search and just needs expanding for the other dropdowns.

. So I can now run repeat on a single query output.


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Glad you got it working, I spent a little time reading the first post and was kind of trying to figure out what you were meaning to be honest.
I must say, I use databases a lot, in almost every project, and I think I have needed to use the custom query builder twice in the last 6 months if that, almost anything else can surprisingly be done through the standard query builder.

Thanks Paul, think the lack of clarity in the question was reflective of my muddy thinking! It (almost!) always ends up being easier than you think, it’s just sometimes hard to see it!

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