Filter input form not submitting


I have a query that is filter by input form. The query filter fine when I am typing the word.
However, I do not want to show the region if the query come empty. The query is automatically loaded with the browser.
I tried to able the no auto load situation but it is not working to see the result after submission. The filter is not working.

I am guessing the filter input query is not going well with the form submit.

My goal is to only show the region is the query return the result.

Any suggestion will be useful.
Thank you

What about showing the region when the query has items


Thank you @ben It is doing the work.
Now, that the query is endlessly running. It were any way for to make sure the query does not run until a submit the form. I tried to enable the no auto load check. But the filter and form submit does not work anymore.

Have no autoload selected, then when the submit button is clicked, load the datasource

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@ben @ben @ben it works!!!
Thank you again!