File upload progress bar

Does anyone know if there is a way to add a file upload progress bar in Wappler as yet, as well as if there is a way to make a drop zone area?

watch this

I can not find the progress bar element though, i already looked at that video and could not figure it out because it says open the bootstrap 3 elements menu and select progress bar?

add it manualy… @psweb

Of course, sorry its late, and i get a little dumber as the sun goes down :slight_smile:

drink coffee :slight_smile:

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i have done it as in the tutorial and its working great.
just add the progress bar manually

Confirmed it is working perfectly, here is the code I used for anyone else trying to do this.

<div class="progress mt-3" dmx-show="state.uploading">
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-animated progress-bar-striped bg-info" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="uploadProgress.percent" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" dmx-style:width="uploadProgress.percent+'%'"></div>
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Hi Guys,
It seems we forgot to include the progress bar component in the UI. It will be included in the next update.


Was this add, I can not find the option?

The progress bar component is available in v1.6.1