File Taking 2 Minutes to Save!

My design file is now about 2,300 lines, and is literally taking 2 minutes to save!

Is this normal?

Can I do anything to improve this? Turn off some checking, tweak my laptop’s settings or something?

I’m running under Windows 10 with a 2 year old Dell XPS13 with 8Gb RAM, so a reasonably high spec machine…

Best wishes,

What do you mean - is Wappler freezing for 2 minutes? What file is this - HTML, CSS ?

Hi Antony, number of lines in the code shouldn’t matter. I have a file with over 3,000 lines and it loads and saves within a couple seconds.

Are there any errors on the page or anything?

I believe you use Dropbox, right? Does this happen if you pull that out of the mix?

It is my index.php file.

I wait 2 minutes for the “File Saved Successfully” message to appear!

Not sure how Dropbox works but I use OneDrive as a back up and it doesn’t sync with OneDrive until the file is saved locally through Wappler.

Yep, they all should behave that way…just troubleshooting 101 to start eliminating things.


Hey, thanks for all your input!

Just did a big edit and maybe I was very slightly over-exaggerating… it took 63 seconds to save… but near to 60 seconds longer than I would have liked!

There are no code errors.

My whole project is within Dropbox. I put my index.php outside of Dropbox and got loads of messages about it being outside the project. It saved in about 5 seconds, so not sure what that tells us.

I restarted my laptop and just changed one character in the code and it took 15 seconds to save.

Something strange is going on…

@Teodor, could I send you a zip of the project file for you to take a look? If so, how do I do that? Via a pm?



Man I struggle to get above 300 lines these days. What the hell goes on in a 3000 line page? I've just copied and pasted the same 300 lines x 10 and saved the file in barely a second or two, Windows 10, not using Dropbox, and this machine has no SSD, pure mechanics.. What OS are you running Anthony?