FILE CREATION under file management (server side)

Many have spoken about this need. It would be great if we have a file creation feature added to file management that works with rest of the steps in the component e.g rename, move, delete, upload etc. for this created file. My requested extension type, for file creation step, in order of priority is as below.


E.g. in case of xml file creation we can give content to file like below (forgot to include xml header text);

An xml output file is an essential part of the application i am developing as it is a format required to submit data to a third party (not google). I also need json file creation to achieve certain data in files (for aws cloud storage) rather than keeping them in the database.

Team, :pray: consider this as a priority...

As json is native to Wappler, probably JSON to XML conversion would be the more likely resolution?

Not really for my particular use case. That will require me to first format exact data in json format that when converted to xml matches with the template i am provided with for xml from third party. The template in itself is around 3 to 5KB. that is quite a lot of tags to handle.

So, if we can paste the xml template and bind values from the server action it is a straightforward solution. But it is more useful if after file created that file can be opened by edit step to stream or write content to it so that we can use repeats to add repetitive data e.g products list one by one until done. Then server action can close save the file.

The request is for ability to 'Create data file' and 'Edit data file' or 'Append to data file'

This may be a solution?


This may also help as ther is an npm module to do a lot if the hard work.

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Thanks Brian for the input. i went and did a custom one for the project. Works well in tests.

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