Field "Key" is required! Appearing on every server action?


I have 6.8.0 and Beta 3 installed, however, I've started to get this issue which I can't work out the route cause for?

No sure if it's related but i get this in the console at the end of a page reload too.

server-connect:output trycatch: undefined

Any help is greatly valued!


It seems like your server action might be corrupted. Try a different action or rebuild this one from scratch or restore a previous copy.

Hi George,

This seems to be on every server action I have in this project - which is a fair few!

Any quick way of doing this? As I also am suspecting that the beta 3 folders are being used inside 6.8.0


If it is effecting all actions, check any actions in workflow globals in case that it where the error lies.

Hi @Hyperbytes

Thank you for your reply!


I've checked and can't seem to find anything in here which would be causing an issue.

And upon a search project for 'Key' or 'key' and everything that came up either had a value or variable assigned to it, but lots to do with S3? Which admittedly I don't have much knowledge of at the moment.


So nothing in here?

Aha now I see what the problem is.

The error is a validation that you haven't entered your S3 Key.
It is a bit wrongly displayed to the root node, but you should just check your S3 provider properties and make sure your have entered your S3 key.

Hi @George

Yes I agree it makes sense, however I am not quite sure what I need it for in my project specifically? As all the APIs I use I have the Basic Auth Username & Password stored in a global settings file I believe.

I've done a very quick bit of reading on the S3, any further advice for this as to why its needed and would be displaying this as an error? As one of the biggest issues I had since updating the project files was one of my APIs started to be sent continuously and cancel itself and then keep trying to execute its Done flow.

But I have checked out to a previous commit before the 6.8.0 update (which would've been 6.7.2 i believe) due to a publish just released on that version - hence no update until recently for testing purposes.

Here are some changes I can see in various files in version control (left being a commit after update, right on the commit before 6.8.0)
in the app.js:

This in middleware.js

The throwError logic being added to api.js, and this in core.js:

And other various dmxAppConnect updates.

I don't know if any of this can spark an idea? But other than that, I hadn't made any other changes. :sweat_smile:

I am also going to uninstall and reinstall wappler 6.8.0 - it offers me to do 22 extension updates in the top right of the window. But also in the update manager, it tells me theres a large amount of updates to install, but they look like they point to the Beta packages, can anyone confirm if I should or should not install these?

Thanks in advance,