Fetching Session ID in Server Connect

Is there a way to fetch the session ID of the user making the API action, I wanted to log it in the logs so as to have a trace of all actions performed by the user in that particular session.

The $_SESSION only provides securityId and session_authorized, and not the session ID sess:*

What server model are you using?

Hi @Teodor,
Am using NodeJS

You can access the currently logged in users id with a security.identify step. Will that not suffice?

Hi @Hyperbytes,
No, it wouldn’t, We wouldn’t be able to distinguish which user performed the actions from the various machines he was logged in with at any given moment.
Imagine a situation where a session was hijacked, we would need a track of events that were performed by the use of that user id using that specific session, basically to have a trace of events session wise

You can get it via middleware @Roney_Dsilva
I used that method to build a session display/revoke extension.

exports.handler= function(app) {
    app.use((req, res, next) => {
        console.log('session id is: ' + req.session.id);

Or inside server connect:


That Worked!! :smiley: . Thanks a ton @tbvgl.

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