Featured content with Masonry Grid

The Wappler Masonry app component is great for organizing content, especially images with different sizes.

I would love the Wappler team to add a setting to set the number of featured content to show.

The use case (see the picture attached) is that I want to show the first image in my array of objects as the intro image and the remaining as a masonry grid. This feature is not available by default with the masonry app component. My workaround is I would display the first index of the array [0] to be the intro which is separate from the masonry grid. Then, I filter the array for the masonry grid to exclude the first item in the array as such: arrayData.where(id, arrayData[0].id, β€˜!=’)

I think adding this feature will be great, particularly for those who are just getting started with Wappler.

Did you find the solution to this??

Such kind of layout (a column spanning 100 of the component) won’t be possible with the current masonry component, as it uses a fixed number of columns per row.

The masonry component is driven from an array data source. You could set your featured item to item [0] or use the where formatter to look for a flag that sets it as featured.

Then repeat the other items in the masonry


This was my work-around. I was hoping the Wappler team could implement a feature update to the masonry component that provides an easy solution with a click of a checkbox to enable or disable featured image.