Fail to load resources on login page

working on login page I have this error

and in browser

Can someone explain me where is the error?

Your form has server side validation of its inputs that fails. Your can add a dynamic even “invalid” to display the error to the user.

Hi George
Thanks for your reply.
The error is on page load and not when submitting the form.
When the page load in the developer utilities I see the 400 error.

Probably you have some server action running on page load then.

Yes Teodor, I check " no auto load" and the problem is solved.
I have also a question for the binding logged users information on page, I need to open another topic?

You should not have the login server action separately anyway. It should be only used in the login form / server connect form.

Yes, please.

Ah ok so I remove the server connection login API. Thanks again.