F7, Routes and passing params?

Okay, simple thing:

  1. In a Framework7 app, how to pass a param from one page to the other?
  2. How to recieve the param on the target page?

I’ve set a route to a profile page, /profile/:user_id, attached to a page:
CleanShot 2023-02-11 at 14.18.21

Now in my user list page, I want to link to the profile page, passing the user id. I followed the Tutorial by @Teodor to pass params (he used a variable):
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The user id is passed from a repeat / api result:

Problem: the links are not working, the id is not passed:

The code looks like this:
<a class="item-link" internal dmx-bind:href="'/profile/'+app.main.home.f7ptr1.repeat1[0].id">

Next challenge: how to access the parameter in the following / target page?
According to the documentation, I should see the param in the route, but my route is empty:

CleanShot 2023-02-11 at 14.25.02

Thank you!

If your link is in the repeat region this part:


should be just:


Okay, this seems to change the code.:
CleanShot 2023-02-11 at 14.44.16

Is this a bug or something I did wrong? Just used the picker from the UI, as described in your tutorial)

Unfortunately, the link isn’t firing.
CleanShot 2023-02-11 at 14.43.30

…and again, how the get the id on the target page?

This is available under Params in the data picker on the content page.

Nope, nothing.
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Is this different for Framework7 content pages?

And why is the link not firing?

Okay, work around is to use {{route.params.user_id}}, not sure where exactly I went wrong with the query params.