Export table to excel, csv, pdf like datatables.js

I manage some business websites, They currently get XLS exports, made with early version of DMX export tool.
I think I would prefer to have XLS or XLSX export as much more client friendly, so for me this is also a big request.

there is a Jquery component for excel export:


maybe that helps

For Excel select Export to CSV and simply replace .csv with .xls. We have done this several times. No complaints yet. Have voted for the feature as .pdf would definitely be beneficial.


@Dave, I had to do the same thing, also worked perfectly for me, just a heads up though, in my particular case I had to create 3 different .csv files and then join them together with a little jquery, which worked great, except each .csv started with its own BOM at the start, so I landed up with a .csv file that contained 3 BOM’s. I managed to get around this with Patricks assistance and remove all the BOM’s from the .csv files and then on join rename to a single .xls and delete the 3 .csv files that created it.
Might help some people.


Up: Really need a decent built in export to pdf right now.


Not sure if this is dead in the water, but would like to see something like https://datatables.net/ implemented.

It would give us filtering and exporting without having to create the filters ourselves and exporting data without the need for server actions.


Count me in too!

Don’t forget to hit the Vote button up top!

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DUH… thanks for pointing that out - I’d missed it!

Me too…

Just bumping this thread!

I need to export to PDF and XLS, how is this request going?

An Export and Import of XLS would be very nice

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Bumping this request :smiley:

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This would certainly be a useful addition to use with the data-store, too so a vote from me.



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Hi @raymantle,

I see you bumping this feature request. I really like these features, as well. However, it turns out to be fairly simple to add datatables.net yourself! It’s really doable. I’ve done it using this thread:
How to use DataTables.net

If you need any more help getting it up and running let me know.


Still hoping


I used to use datatables.js but switched to SheetJS to avoid jQuery :wink:
Quite simple to implement : SheetJS - Home


BUMP! :tada:

Wow, never seen a feature request with 74 votes before!

My users are not tech savy, and would really appreciate export straight to .xls and .pdf.

@George, any ideas when we could expect this? :thinking:


What would be the difference between exporting as .xls compared to the .csv that we can do now? I have no problem opening them in Excel.

But exporting to PDF would rock!

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