Explanation on how text editor in this website works

I’m curious on how the text editor in this website works, technically. Few questions:

  1. Does it actually save the input text on blur when I type and the ‘saved’ indicator appears.
  2. If so where does it save it.
  3. What happens when I close my browser without submitting the form.
  4. When I hit the trash bin icon, what it actually does.
  5. How does it save the uploaded file.

I just need to understand the flow and logic behind this impressive text editor.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Hi @transcoderm
That’s the standard HTML editor that comes with the discourse platform, which our community is based on. You can find more info here: https://www.discourse.org/ but in short:

  1. Yes, it saves what you are writing temporary so you can resume later.
  2. See answer 1.
  3. Nothing happens, it will be resumed next time you return to the topic
  4. It deletes the post
  5. It just uploads the files to the server.

Thanks for the insight. :ok_hand: