Error with docker deploy and certs on local development server

Would someone help me get past the following error? It blocking me from adding TSL

Bringing Service “traefik” up …
validating /Users/xo/Library/Application Support/Wappler/Configuration/wappler-compose/docker-compose.yml: volumes Additional property ./certs is not allowed
Error Launching Services!

Using v6.4.1 on Mac Sonoma v14.4.1

Thanks for moving @George. I wasn’t sure if I should setup a new post or add to one of the two related I found.

I started a completely new Wappler setup with docker and ran into the same issue:

validating C:\Users\Truth\AppData\Roaming\Wappler\Configuration\wappler-compose\docker-compose.yml: volumes Additional property ./certs is not allowed
Error Launching Services!

Any idea how to get past this problem? I’m happy to hear all ideas on how I can add TSL which this is blocking.

Could you explain about more what are you doing and trying to achieve? And when exactly are you getting this error?

I’ve been following the HyperBytes guide for setting up SSL on a production server using The Resource Manager, and I’ve hit a bit of a snag. I got the portainer up and running and snagged the .mcert file. But when it comes to deploying Traefik, I’m hitting a wall. This is happening on both my Windows 11 and macOS Sonoma v14 setups.

Portainer? No sweat; it’s all good there. But Traefik? That’s where the party stops.

I’ve followed the steps to the letter (or at least I did), but deploying Traefik isn’t happening for me. Any pro tips or a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 5.56.35 PM

I found the issue was on the video adding services was at the top. Following that did not work. However, installing the services underneath the individual server worked.

I see, yes you normally don’t need Traefik and SSL for your local development server. It is all ment for you live server.

I will check the errors when installing on local server.