Error pushing to Remote GIT

I don’t think it’s a bug as it’s only happening one one project and is the same for both Stable and Beta versions of Wappler. I even tried creating a new remote repository. I fear something is gone corrupt with my local GIT backups. Is there a way to clear all commits and start over?

EDIT: I tried resetting my GIT commits as in this thread but it did not help.

Sorry not an answer to your question, but if it’s urgent and you need to keep going I recommend installing another git manager (you can try github desktop) and see if it gives you better errors / fixes.
I’ve found Wappler’s git errors to be vague / blocking when another manager just fixes it by itself or at least gives you a way to fix it :slight_smile:

Hmmm, didn’t know Github had a desktop app. I will explore that. Thanks Karh!

Hmmm, using GitHub Desktop it seems to push but I get this error. What the heck? What kind of file can be that size? How would I go about finding it in Finder on a Mac?

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 3.09.39 PM

See, a bit more info :smiley:

Perhaps a log file became too big?

Not sure about finder, on windows I’ve used this in the past

I’m sure a google serach will help you out here :slight_smile:

Fixed! Was not a bug. Removed the big file and reset my GIT Commits and now it works as it should. :beers:

It was actually an .sql file that I had stored for some reason. Which makes me think that using sqllite might cause some git issues if the database gets too big?

One is not supposed to commit SQLite databases :slight_smile:

If you’re hinting the Wappler team should add an exclusion to .gitignore to prevent accidental commits of an SQLite database, I agree :wink:

However, a .sql file is not supposed to be an SQLite database, but rather a text file containing SQL queries. Did you name your SQLite database with a format extension .sql?

No, in my case it was an old backup of an old database that I was storing for some reason. Nothing missing critical.

But yeah sql lite files should be added to the gitignore file I suppose.