Error: PHP installation in loop

Hey guys. I am trying, without success, to create a new project in
Wappler version 6.1.0.
Windows 11
I select Wappler Local Server and Server Mode PHP.
When you click ok, Wappler informs you that you have to install some dependencies and packages. It reports that it did not find any PHP version installed and starts the download and installation and… shows an error: Coundn’t find manifest for ‘vcredist2022’ and tries to install PHP again and stays in an endless loop. I have to close Wappler and delete the work folder.
The Enable experimental features option is turned off.
How to solve this problem?

Has anyone had this problem?
I need help because I can’t create a new PHP project in Wappler.

Hey Marcos,

I had a similar problem when I tried to use “Wappler local server” with PHP…

There were a few alerts and prompts about missing files like you wrote, I just agreed to evrything and the other day I just couldn’y use my XAMPP apache… Until now I haven’t find time to see how to solve it.
Thank God it is on my PC, so I can work on my laptop without a problem.

I think that there must be some relation in our problems…

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This is probably updated for newer version.

Try installing php with scoop manually by entering in a terminal:

scoop install php

After that php will be recognized in Wappler and won’t be installed again.


Also as vcredist2022 might be needed you can try to install it manually as well;

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Hello @George
Many thanks for the reply.
I managed to solve it by installing with the scoop install php command.

Hello @famousmag
Many thanks for the reply.
I managed to solve it by installing with the scoop install php command.

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In the next Wappler update the auto installation will be improved

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Switching PHP versions with Scoop on Windows

A post was merged into an existing topic: Switching PHP versions with Scoop on Windows

Fixed in Wappler 6.1.1