Error on phpmyadmin with Docker


I followed the instruction below, but I got an error on phpmyadmin.

How can I solve this?


You probably missed the last link network step

I can’t connect them…what’s wrong??

Please check the exact syntax in the other topics, seems you are missing some underscores

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Am I missing underscores?

by the way, do I need to setup docker compose yml file by myself for Wappler?

oh I see, I found double underscore in the name…but it still doesn’t work though…

It worked!

I leave what I did here, just in cases.

docker network connect yournetworkname_default myadmin(whatever you named)

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I’ll add additional info for my sake.

I could not connect phpmyadmin when I use Traefik, because Traefik uses the port 8080. So and I created the environment by going through PREVIEW: Using Custom Domains and SSL with Let's Encrypt and Traefik, in such case, the following command worked.

docker run --name phpmyadmin -d --link yourproductname_db_1:db -p 8081:80 --network=wappler-compose_proxy phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

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