Error: network wappler-compose_proxy declared as external, but could not be found

Using Wappler 6.0.5 on Windows 10 we created a Node.js project at DigitalOcean. Without changing the Host IP in the Project Options we configured a Reserve IP address at DO and connected it to the Droplet. We then configured DNS to the Reserve IP and can successfully reach the site. Following the guidelines here Using Custom Domains and SSL with Let's Encrypt and Traefik we attempted to install Traefik but received the error below when attempting to Deploy the project. (Just FYI, in the Project settings Port 80 was removed (& left blank) and https:// was added to the Web Server URL)

network wappler-compose_proxy declared as external, but could not be found
Error Launching Services!

Guidance to resolve this issue would be appreciated.

Have you added Traefik and deployed it as well.

Also when you want to switch to SSL with Traefik, you should give the full domain name in your project target options, not just IP (next to removing there port 80 indeed)

Thank You @George, @mebeingken and my apologies to @Hyperbytes. I failed to watch Brian’s video to the end (lesson learned) and attempted to install Traefik without Portainer. Installing Portainer first then deleting Port 80 before installing Traefik worked fine.

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Creating a new Production target that has not yet been deployed, I clicked on install Portainer and it did not give me a Deploy option just a yellow warning triangle with and exclamation point. The terminal printed out “” The authenticity of host 888.888.888.888 … can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256 … Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? How can I move past this?

Try to connect first to the server with the SSH terminal available under the context menu.