Error installing Traefik

I’m using a Hetzner Docker Machine that is working fine:

But when I try to install Traefik service for SSL with Let’s Encrypt I am getting this error.

… Bind for failed: port is already allocated
I don’t know much about docker and servers, does anyone have an idea how to fix it? Thanks

This is because you are already running your web site on port 80. So you need to remove the port in your normal site options. See our docs about Traefik usage

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I hadn’t seen it because it was a few steps down, but after deleting the port it works fine. Thanks George

I’m having the same error. This is my first time setting up a target to digital ocean. Where are the docs about traefik usage and deleting the port? I’ve searched but couldn’t find anything.

Thanks in advance,

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Thank you, was finally able to get it installed.