Error: failure to load resources. Please help I attached the debug info

Hi, I have been getting an error all evening. Everything was working fine then all of a sudden the server seemed to lose access to the server action. When I tried creating a new one I received the same errors. I turned on the debug settings and here are the results:

I did notice that some of the files seem to be gone from the folder. Note I am using digital ocean for my sever.

Hi Daniel,

Don’t worry about those map errors. If you are not getting details of the 500 error through debug then the 500 error will show up in your web server logs.


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Please check the detailed error as explained here:

Teodor, I did all of that and reported the info. It appears that in both the wappler design view with app connect on and in through the web server that the server action is not loading. It was but then it just stopped. The database has been checked without errors. can I reinstall the files that support the server actions?

Well you didn't report the exact error.
Please check the link and check the detailed error provided by the server action as the screenshot you posted does not show this...

Please click this to show the extended info

We are generally looking for the preview tab after clicking it which should hopefully give a better idea of the precise error like
Screenshot 2020-06-15 at 19.09.10

So, I apologize. I am new to some of this.

Could this be the error you are talking about:

{“code”:0,“file”:"/var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/dmxConnect.php",“line”:124,“message”:“Option “sql” is required!”,“trace”:"#0 /var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/modules/dbconnector.php(17): option_require(Object(stdClass), ‘sql’)\n#1 /var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/lib/App.php(173): modules\dbconnector->select(Object(stdClass), ‘productQuery’)\n#2 /var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/lib/App.php(137): lib\App->execSteps(Object(stdClass))\n#3 /var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/lib/App.php(107): lib\App->execSteps(Array)\n#4 /var/www/html/dmxConnectLib/lib/App.php(72): lib\App->exec(Object(stdClass))\n#5 /var/www/html/dmxConnect/api/cart/scProducts.php(8): lib\App->define(Object(stdClass))\n#6 {main}"}

Yes that is the error we are looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you sure all of the files have been uploaded to your server?

Yes, I have been using it for many weeks on the same server. Could it be a result of using the undo button? That is the only thing I remember that was unusual.

Maybe do a full publish just incase, and try again.

It’s not working real time in the app either so, that wouldn’t be effected by the server install would it?
Also, so to do a full just click deploy correct?

Can you check your server action the database query step for example - is there a connection selected in the dropdown?
What steps do you have in your server action?

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one other thought, not use if it matters but I have noticed that the deployment takes about 15 or 20 minutes and it used to be much quicker

Remove the dmxConnectLib folder in your local site folder. Save your server action, this will recreate it.
Then upload your site to your remote server.

Is the database connection test button working fine?

will do, and yes the connection is working fine and I can see the database in the query

no change, exactly the same error.

I think the best thing you can try at this stage is just send as much info as possible.

  1. Screenshots of your server action including any $_GET, $_POST globals, the query inside it including any conditions.
  2. The file that runs the server action code, especially the head so we can see what components are included, and the part that initiates the action.

The more information the better shot we have of figuring out what could be the issue.

So Good news, I downloaded the stable version and reinstalled it. republished everything. I have to go back and redo the bindings and it worked. I can still send whatever you need but it must have reinstalled a missing piece.

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Thank you for the help, I think you guys are awesome and provide a great service!