August 16, 2023, 7:22am
Hi Elle,
Seems like docker is just not working to you and you lost a lot unnecessary time to get it going.
Maybe a much more easier route was the one you got started with the lightweight development with the Wappler local server and SQLite and then for production combined with the railway app service see:
After I posted the video on Image Optimisation, I wanted to deploy the finished app. Heroku is finished, as far as I am concerned. I then went ahead and tried various other hosts. The one that impressed me most is the newcomer on the block called Railway . Has a free tier, I opted for the developer tier which is free for the first $5.
All I needed to do was to link my Github account to Railway and Railway did the rest. No fiddling around with NodeJS configurations, or any other config. The resul…
And definitely also review:
This Guide
This will be about getting started with Wappler when coming from a non-coding background.
This isn’t a tutorial on how to make a site or anything (although those are linked), more talking about what’s involved and a general collection of resources I found useful. As a heads up, I am using ChatGPT to help with some of the explanations.
This will just cover the basics you NEED to know, assuming you are able to learn more advanced stuff as you go.
My Experience
Just thought I’…
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