Error creating s3 SC file on Node.js Project

Screenshot 2024-04-09 024933

I get this error when I try to create an S3 SC function. Can anyone help me fix this?

(Directory is development on local host.)
I followed all the rules of creating my project.

Where is your project folder located? Seems like you don’t have enough permissions or so to create the file?

Hi @George I am working on my local server using wappler local server. I think there is a major issue with S3 or some image library. So, i’ve just tried to save my images to a directory on my site folder and I get this error now.

Everything else works, but any reference to image uploads, fails. Can you investigate?

Quick Observation:
I removed the load image, resize image and save image functions and the file saves easily. I think I may be losing an image processor library of some sort.