Error connecting to postgres db: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "MyIPadres", user admin, database postgres, no encryption

I am new to Wappler and dont know if i am missing something.
I have a Postgre db hosted on Azure. When i try to connect to the database i get the following error message:

Error connecting: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “MyIPadres”, user admin, database postgres, no encryption

In Azure i have a firewall rule that includes MyIPadres. Meaning it should be included in the pg_hba.conf file right?

I am not using docker, I have no SSL and SSH settings set up in Wappler database connection.

Doing a simple google search reveals:

There was a setting i needed to change on the azure side for the SSL.
That solved the problem, Thank you for setting me in the right direction though!