Error API action (binding variable to JSON)

Hey guys,

I have the following problem, I need to send a dynamic number to an api where it only accepts the numeric type and does not accept string, to leave a dynamic number in the json part I need to put it between the quotation marks “{{valuer}}” but doing so This turns it into a string giving this error.

How do I send a dynamic number in the api?

If I leave it without the quotes it gives an error.

Thank you very much

What about

I also tried, it doesn’t work because in the json it has quotation marks, I’m sending the number between quotation marks, it only has to be sent to the number, but dynamically there is no way to send it without it being between quotation marks.

So "{{valor.toNumber()}}" doesn’t work?

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Doesn’t work

I’m sending the video where it shows

There’s no easy way to do this, but you can try to check what people did in the past: