Error 550 No such file or directory with wappler but Ok with filezilla

i can’t send to a folder on a subdomain with wappler but I can with FileZilla.
Can someone help me please?

What do you mean you can’t send? Is there errors or anything?

If your project is set up properly being a subdomain should have no relevance. How is your project set up?

Thanks Brad.
If i point ftp to the domain, I can send files to the server.
If i point ftp to, I have a 550 error.
The subfolder exist. If i open filezilla, I can upload files to the server on this subfolder, with Wappler no.

Wappler doesn’t work that way. It’s bad practice to have your sub domain as a sub folder within your main domain. If I understand what you are saying.

So I need to create a instead of ?

Yes. And on the remote server your sub domain site should have it’s own folder - not located within the main domain folder.

Ok thanks Brad.
I will try this way

I think I came across this error too, but I don’t remember how I fixed the problem. Let us know if Brad’s suggestion worked

it works as Brad said. Thanks

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