Enter key vs Tab key now works with either

Actually in the field in Properties panels, like from App Structure and also Server Connect - it should all work fine with Enter.

Or do you mean the inline text editing in design view?

If it doesn’t work on a specific places - you should file a bug report and state exactly where.

I will do George, I will try get a proper bug report of where it is not working, I just tend to use tab instead of enter out of habit and never really have those issues anymore, but it took a little time for it to become second nature to do.

With inline editing that was only really an issue with adding inline links but since the little tick icon came about people can rather use that, although hitting enter when adding a link might still be more common for a person that is unaware.

I have tried to get the Enter key to NOT work as it used to in the App Connect and Server Connect side, but to be honest I can no longer make it break, which is great news, but I would like to double check this by asking @brad and @TomD to also try on their sides as seem to recall them both having a similar finding.

Can you elaborate a bit more, Paul? Not sure I know what you are asking.

It did seem to be necessary and it probably isn’t any more. I think I still do it most of the time - partly because there are many other cases when I’m moving from field to field with the tab key (in general, not with Wappler specifically), so it’s a sort of habit.

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Sorry @brad, if you recall there were quite a few places in the Wappler UX where you had to use the TAB key and not the enter key to set certain values, or alternatively you would have to click off to a different element. This started with adding inline links to paragraphs but was also found in the App Structure and Server Connect panels where Enter would just not make the change.

Or am I nuts and this was just me… Quite possible.

@psweb, yeah it used to be an issue but it seems to have been corrected. However, like you I am so used to using the TAB key now.

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Well @George, it seems we have a winner here, I think Tip 5 may have been solved somewhere along the line, I did test it and have not managed to break it so far…