Encryption at Rest - MariaDB

Has anyone worked with Encryption at rest with the MariaDB. I have come across “libsodium.org” and “defuse/php-encryption”.

The requirement of the project calls for the records in the table to be encrypted when stored.

Well you can already use encryption when storing data in a database in Wappler.

Just use the encrypt data formatter before saving the records and the decrypt when reading them.

It will however make your database operations slower and add an additional performance hit on your web server as well so it might be not always a good idea to do. But if security is top priority and you have enough server capacity - it can be done.

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If you want to encrypt do it on the DB layer and not the app.


It will reduce overhead and improve performance vs doing it on the app.

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HI Jon,

It looks like the performance hit is between 3 to 5%. Not too bad. And considering that MariaDB ships with a File Encryption Plug-in that can be configured it may well be the best solution.

Thank you all.


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Make sure you take the time to understand how it works. And read about it as much as possible. I’ve never had the need to encrypt so I’ve never tried and can’t be of much help.

But worse than a data leak is to lose access to data. That would be a nightmare. I wouldn’t like to be in a position where my ssh keys get corrupted or something else happens and I only have access to gibberish text :slight_smile:

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