Empty fields being populated in a bootstrap 4 table after sorting or navigating

Wappler Version : 2.7.1
Operating System : Windows 10 Pro

Expected behavior

When sorting or navigating through pages, empty fields should remain empty. (note, this behavior can be reproduced without a paging element).

Actual behavior

When sorting with any key, including the one sorting a column with empty fields, or after navigating forth AND back, columns that previously had empty values are populated with random values. In the case of my example, they are dates.

How to reproduce

Example here.

-Have a simple table with a few rows, some of them containing an empty date field.
-Create a bootstrap table via the generator, with sorting.
-Optionally, add dynamic paging.
-For ease, order your query to display the empty rows first, and check the output. It should display empty placeholders.
-Sort one way and back with any key, or navigate to the next page and back, and find the previously empty placeholders populates with a value whose origin is unknown.

Hi, that's a known behavior - please check:

Thanks @Teodor, that is a match. I need to check that solution as I rely on null values for other purposes, but I guess that solution would fit most.
Thanks for your impressive reactivity!

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