Email Rule Check Not Removed From Code

Hi Wappler Folks…

I created a text input element of type email, and set some validation rules. Then I copied it, changed the type to “text” (for the first_name field), and removed the rules. However, the HTML code still contains the data-rule-email="" entry which makes it check my first_name for being a valid email address.

See the attached for confirmation!

Best wishes,

Hi @Antony,

Could you take a screenshot of the input_first_name validation rules section in the App Structure? It’s a little below your current screen shot.

Hi @scott… thanks for your reply. The screen shot is attached, although I have just removed the data-rule-email="" entry from the code and moved on now…!rule


You would want to remove the blue checkmark next to Required to ensure that the code stays removed.

Hi @scott… well that is true… but I want the field required, just not verified for being an email when it is just text.
Are you clear about the nature of my original post? It is that when copying a text input with email validation, even when I turn that validation off in the gui, the code for it remains on the page.

this was solved in later Wappler updates.