Editor authorization persist across tabs

Hey guys,

Currently, it’s my experience that pages with server connect security restrictions do not share authorization across tabs in the editor. For example, if I open our banking page in the editor I receive the authorization errors. So I proceed to open up our login page (again in the editor) and properly authenticate. This allows me to browse the site within the editor, but does not allow me to go back to my banking page and see data in real-time. I’m assuming this is because while one page is authenticated, the other is not. Or have I missed something?

So my request to have a way to authenticate the editor which will persist through the session, for all pages opened.


Good point Ken. Currently each page in the editor is pretty much sandboxed to not cause any errors to Wappler’s working even if it behaves badly.

So we will investigate if your request is possible.

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This is still an obstacle to me using the Design view in most situations. Like some others, I end up spending my day in Code view, which is a shame as the efficiency of workflow could be significantly improved by staying in the editor longer, rather than constantly jumping to a browser.

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Actually this should be changed now that we have local dev server.

Maybe just try refreshing the other tab design view?