Editable Grid with DevExtreme Data Grid Tutorial

Interesting. I think you’re right that it’s probably a content page issue. I don’t use them so haven’t run across this issue. You’re able to get around it by having multiple server connects though?

i got it working by making sure that my read server connect has only one query in it. My problem was that I originally had two, one to look up user information and then second to use that information to limit only related tenants. This library for whatever reason does not like having more than one query in the API. The next challenge will be to write the update back into the database. Hopefully it will work, in which case this will be a usable component. But I have to say that it’s been a little flaky, not sure if it’s on the datagrid component side or wappler side.

Yeah - integrating custom things can take a bit of work and be a bit flaky depending on the use case. It’s a super sweet component when you get it working though!

I finally got it all working. The secrete sauce is to use GET method for your SC